Demos: A Key to Your Pilates Success
By Ken Endelman, Founder and CEO of Balanced Body As originally seen in Club Solutions Magazine Whether you are trying to attract new...

Better Golf (and Less Injuries) with a Balanced Body
Better Golf (and Less Injuries) with a Balanced Body By Ada Wells, MPT As seen in the Fall 2009 Balanced Body Pilates COREterly As...

Scheduling 101
Scheduling 101 by Jean Munoz-Keese From the beginning I realized that along with quality programming, excellent staff, and a supportive...

How to Engage Kids with Targeted Programming at Your Studio
Pilates COREterly - Courtesy of Balanced Body Inc Spring 2014 Pilates Programming - Kids Just Want to Have Fun! by Larkin Barnett, BA, MA...

PIlates for Your Sport: Swimming
For swimmers, proper body alignment is critical. Swimmers need to work with the water and the slightest misalignment can cause them to...
Exercises Using the Pilates ARC
Check out this playlist for ideas on how to use our innovative Pilates ARC!
Exercises Using the Balanced Body Orbit
Take a look at this video series featuring sample exercises on our Balanced Body Orbit
Exercises Using our Easy Set Footbar on the Balanced Body Allegro 2
The most fluid transitions plus effective new programming options. Our EasySet Footbar slides horizontally the entire length of the...
Exercises Using Our Balanced Body Exo Chair
Here's a whole range of sample exercises using our Balanced Body Exo Chair
Exercises Using Core Align
Jonathan Hoffman shows us the basics of the CoreAlign and goes over some intro exercises.